
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Asynchronous Discussion Boards: How do you feel about them?


A peer of mine tweeted something yesterday that I found really insightful and wish I had come up with myself. Lately, I've been discussing with my friends how I'm really enjoying the discussions in one of my classes, but finding the other class to be less engaging. I've realized that the course structure is quite flexible, which allows us to choose our own path of learning. We're given multiple discussion prompts each week which encourages us to engage in conversations that are not only relevant but also pique our interest. One peer added, "the prompt is crucial in triggering my interest." I couldn't agree more. 

On the other hand, I sometimes find it tiring. This is my perspective on other discussions - they can feel obligatory instead of a genuine desire to respond with a thoughtful rebuttal or response. I must say, I am thoroughly engaged with the content of that class because it aligns with my passion. However, I find it intriguing how different the discussions are in this class compared to others. I wish the flow of discussions in other classes were as smooth as here, but unfortunately, that's not always the case. Despite that, I'll embrace diversity and absorb as much knowledge as possible.

I'll post Johnnie's question here for the blogging world:

"What are your thoughts on asynchronous course discussion boards? Love it or hate it? Why? Do you engage in meaningful dialogue with others? Or do you just say, “I agree with what Johnnie shared,” and keep it moving? We’ve all been there before😅"

Feel free to share your thoughts :).

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